Category: journaling for creativity

  • Journaling prompt: Other people’s expectations

    Journaling prompt: Other people’s expectations

    Prompt: Other people’s expectations I can’t stress enough the influence this interview with David Bowie has had on me (and just Bowie in general!); Bowie on creativity I’m ashamed to admit, I didn’t get in to Bowie until after he died.  He had always been ‘old people’ music – and a little bit novelty in…

  • Journaling Prompt: The Monkey Trap

    Journaling Prompt: The Monkey Trap

    Prompt: The monkey trap I first learned of ‘the monkey trap’ through the wonderful podcast, a beautiful anarchy by David duChemin. (If your goal for journaling is increased creativity, I implore you to check out this podcast!) The basic premise is fiendishly simple: A coconut has a small hole cut in it.  Rice is placed…