What do you write when journaling?
For many, the freedom of journaling is part of its appeal. Unless you decide to add restrictions and structure, it is an unstructured form of writing that is a space for you to write whatever you think or feel and that freedom gives the opportunity to explore and analyse themselves. For others, the lack of…
How do you journal every day?
What is daily journaling? No prizes for guessing that daily journaling is the act of writing a journal entry every day. Daily journaling is a fantastic way of working on long-term, self analysis and self improvement, as well as tracking both short and long-term goals. It is also extremely useful for looking back and reflecting…
How should a beginner start journaling?
If you’re new to journaling and you’re reading this post, the good news is that you’ve taken the first step. Opening that notebook and looking at that first blank page can be intimidating for anyone when they’re just getting started, especially if you’re not used to writing about your thoughts and feelings. I’m hoping I…
How to journal
How to journal? It might sound like a redundant question. After all, it’s just writing stuff down isn’t it? Well, yes. But in the same way that flying to Buzz Lightyear was ‘falling with style’, journaling to me is ‘writing with purpose’. I had an ex who once told me she found me frustrating because…